Beta Resource Library

Cohort Aleph and Bet: Spring 2025 Checklist

Here is your step-by-step guide to your second semester of Beta

Download the full checklist here.

Due in February and March

Recruitment Plan

Create and submit your plans to recruit the founding members of your TAMID Beta chapter. 


Your chapter will have to update the roster with returning member and new member contact information.

*TAMID will never sell or give away your information

Due: February 11, 11:59 pm EST

Due: February 11 (Returning) & March 7 (New Members)

Elect Project Managers

Project Managers will be part of the chapter consulting team and work closely with the
Director of Consulting to ensure a successful consulting project.

Complete PM Training

Every Project Manager is required to complete the PM Training before they are eligible to lead their team in the project.

Due: February 17, 11:59 pm EST

Due: February 28, 11:59 pm EST

Consulting Project Application​

Every Project Manager must apply for a consulting project using the application below, and be selected to work with the company.

Begin Education Sessions

Your chapter must conclude recruitment prior to starting the education sessions. You must have 6-8 sessions in total and complete all required modules, projects, and quizzes.

Due: February 28, 11:59 pm EST

Due: Week of March 7

Roster Changes​

The roster will reopen, and you will have the opportunity to make any necessary changes.

Education Syllabus

Education sessions are intended to teach members about the fundamentals of consulting, finance, and Israeli culture. New members must complete these before starting the education projects.

Due: March 7, 11:59 pm EST

Due: March 7, 11:59 pm EST

Due in April and May

Portfolio Review

Completed Education Requirements

This includes the Final Exam, Consulting Project Simulation, and Stock Pitch project. Click below for the resources and information.

More information on the Portfolio Review will be available soon.

Due: April 20, 11:59 PM EST

Due: May 1, 11:59 pm EST

Attended TalkIsrael Session

New Members and Members who did not attend in the Fall are required to attend a session in the Spring.

Hosted Required Events

Every Beta Chapter is required to host 1 Social Event and 1 Professional Development Event this semester. At least one of these events must be Israel-related. Please submit an Event Record after each event.

Due: May 1, 11:59 pm EST

Due: May 1, 11:59 pm EST

Consulting Deliverables

Members of the Consulting Track (not education) must complete their project and submit final deliverables.

Stock Pitch

Members of the Fund Track (not education) must complete the Stock Pitch and submit it to the competition. Click below for the instructions.

Final Proposal

Every Beta Chapter in their final semester is required to submit a Final Proposal presentation to be considered for full chapterhood.

Due: April 27, 11:59 pm EST

Due: April 27, 11:59 pm EST

Due: May 1, 11:59 pm EST