

Baruch Beginnings

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By: Julia-Zoe Hung, TAMID at Baruch

As students attending a commuter school in Manhattan, Baruch students often face challenges with being involved in campus organizations. Most of us are working part-time, commute an hour each way, and only come into school a few days a week. That being said, our TAMID chapter has, against the odds, been able to steadily grow and develop in the three last years of our existence.


Because of the commitment and dedication of our members, our TAMID chapter has been able to flourish into a solid, tight-knit community. The Baruch students set aside time from their busy schedules to meet on-campus, online, or by phone in order to prepare our consulting and investing deliverables. Additionally, we have grown our brand on campus by organizing activities open to the student body. Last semester alone, the TAMIDniks at Baruch were able to host several events including our Start-Up Founders Panel, Power Luncheon, and Tech Fair. Our Tech Fair was even recognized as the Best Professional Event on campus.


Off campus, we have also made it a point to familiarize ourselves with neighboring chapters in New York City. In December, we had the opportunity to visit the Twitter Headquarters and hear from several business professionals working in tech and marketing. Students from Baruch, NYU, Queens, Brooklyn, and Columbia all came together to hear about the work being done at the social media empire that is Twitter. We learned about the company culture as well as Twitter’s new ventures and expansions in acquiring Vine and entering into the consumer data gathering industry. It was interesting and informative to learn about a firm that is so ingrained in our everyday life. It was even better getting to be there with other TAMIDniks with like-minded interests and passions as us.


So although we are not like typical universities, the TAMID chapter at Baruch has been able to immensely progress in the past years. What started as a small group of seven students has now expanded into a strong organization of twenty students (and over forty applications for the new semester).