Chapter Spotlight: Cornell University and New York University
TAMID at Cornell University
Name: Yoni Krakow
University: Cornell University
Graduating Year: 2018
Major (+Minor): Economics + Jewish Studies, Business
Internship Company: Glilot Capital Partners
Internship Role: Venture Capital Intern
Awesome Experience: Being on the TAMID fellowship has been an absolutely incredible experience. Working in the Venture Capital industry has exposed me to Israel’s amazing startup culture and I have gotten to see so many companies in a number of growing and already thriving industries. The biggest project I worked on this summer was a research project on the Marketing Technology (MarTech) industry. MarTech is a rapidly evolving field in Israel and the managing partners at Glilot want to make an investment or two in the near future. The goal of my project was to give them added exposure. For a couple of weeks I did research, drafted content and sent my work to a designer to professionally design the infographic. In the next week or two the research I conducted is going to be published on, one of the leading technology/VC websites in the world, which is definitely not something I expected when I started working here. I can’t wait to take all I’ve learned back to campus and help TAMID continue to grow both at Cornell and around the country.
Fun Fact: I was on four episodes of Sesame Street when I was in kindergarten and first grade. It was the beginning and end of my acting career.

Name: Evan Kravitz
University: Cornell University
Graduating Year: 2019
Major (+Minor): Electrical and Computer Engineering
Internship Company: Taranis
Internship Role: Data Science Intern
Awesome Experience: I get the best lunches at my job.
Fun Fact: I love to cook.
TAMID at New York University
Name: Ilan Nathanson
University: NYU
Graduating Year: 2017
Major (+Minor): Economics (+Politics, Business Studies)
Internship Company: GreenSoil Investments
Internship Role: Venture Capital Analyst
Awesome Experience: This Fellowship has been an amazing way to experience Israel through the internship and beyond. Our weekend trips have been a great way to see different parts of Israel, but living in Tel Aviv for two months has really allowed me to eat my way around the city and see different parts of Tel Aviv I haven’t seen on previous family trips. I’ve had unreal exposure at my internship, from sitting in pitch meetings with potential investments and getting to throw questions at their CEOs, to working with a portfolio company onsite to learn about their tech and present my deliverable to the CEO. These are all things I never would have been doing at my previous internships. I’ve said this internship was to “get my feet wet in VC.” It was definitely more of a plunge.
Fun Fact: Asian Jews are awesome. My mom makes kickass brisket AND Pad Thai.

Name: Eden Mia Hoffman
University: NYU
Graduating Year: 2018
Major (+Minor): Individualized Study (+ Business of Entertainment, Media and Technology)
Internship Company: SecBI
Internship Role: Business Development
Awesome Experience: My current role at SecBI encompasses a wide range of tasks and responsibilities which makes for a dynamic experience. I love that I have independence and a say in what I am working on, and the whole SecBI team is innovative, collaborative and extremely welcoming. One of my first few days of work, I arrived at a meeting before my boss who was trying to park his car. He messaged me asking if I had a driver’s license to which I replied that I did. He then asked if I wanted to come down and park his car or start the meeting and pitch the company without him! I chose the latter and was put on the spot, which took me out of my comfort zone and in the end was a great learning experience.
Fun Fact: My passport had the wrong birth year on it until I was 19 years old and had been to more than 12 countries with it.
Name: Arlyn Goldberg
University: NYU
Graduating Year: 2018
Major (+Minor): Applied Psychology
Internship Company: Akross
Internship Role: Marketing Intern
Awesome Experience: This summer all of the Tamidniks were split into three cohorts based off of where they were living. I was placed into cohort two, among both old friends and new faces. Initially, I didn’t know how I felt about all of the Tamid kids being split up and doing different activities or attending different speakers. I worried I would miss out by not having the chance to be with the whole group all the time. However, as the summer progressed, I had more long bus rides with my cohort, singing along to the music on my speakers and doing fun activities planned by our Community Managers, such as wine tasting. This past week, our amazing Community Managers planned a karaoke night for us, and we all sang together and had the best time. It is nights like these that make me appreciate the community I was placed into within the broader TAMID community.
Fun Fact: I have over 1,000 followers on Wine n’ Dine! (follow me- @kiddyeats)

Name: Ross Abramson
University: NYU
Graduating Year: 2010
Major (+Minor): Computer Science and Business
Internship Company: Tufin
Internship Role: Programming
Awesome Experience: This past summer I had the incredible oppurtunity of working at Tufin, a cyber security firm focused on firewall network security policy orchestration. I was able to create a logging and notification system to keep track of any changes to files as well as designed an automatic licensing update system through HTML, Java, and SSH. As a sophomore just entering the programming playing field, to work with experienced cyber security software engineers and learn from them is unheard of, so I’m extremely grateful for this lucky opportunity.
Fun Fact: I plan on moving to and living in Israel when I’m older. Hopefully that happens sooner rather than later!