

Chapter Spotlight: University of Wisconsin and Columbia University

  |   Chapters, Fellowship

TAMID at University of Wisconsin

Name: Rebekah Lear
University: University of Wisconsin
Graduating Year: 2017
Major (+Minor): Management, Human Resources and Economics
Internship Company: CareHood
Internship Role: Business Development Intern
Awesome Experience: The first weekend we were here we went on a trip up north together as Tamid. For some people this was their first time seeing Israel, either as a Jew or a Christian. One of my roommates in particular is Catholic and this was her first experience in Israel. On the first day of the trip, we had a very long conversation over a Druze lunch about Catholicism and Judaism. She inspired me with her thirst for knowledge and later that night she ended up coming to Shabbat Services with me and a few friends. It was a super sweet and eye opening moment, especially around the time of all the attacks. Fun Fact: I have a scar              in the shape of a wishbone right under my bottom lip!

Name: Lissie Shubin
University: University of Wisconsin
Graduating Year: 2018
Major (+Minor): Marketing
Internship Company: Shoppimon
Internship Role: Marketing Intern
Awesome Experience: I’m learning a lot on my internship! I recently wrote a blog that was posted on their site and I learned a bit of coding for it which was cool because I am the least tech savvy person you’ll meet. I’m also learning a lot about how to boost a company’s SEO on Google, and there’s so much that goes into it that you don’t even realize. Other than my internship, I’ve been eating the BEST food and going to the beach as much as I can. The ice cream here is incredible! One of my favorites was this chocolate eclair stuffed with ice cream and topped with chocolate fudge, peanut butter, and chocolate balls. Ok that’s the end of my rant XO
Fun Fact: I have only gone one day so far without eating hummus and it was devastating.

Name: Ian Katz
University: University of Wisconsin
Graduating Year: 2019
Major (+Minor): Business
Internship Company: Connecteam
Internship Role: Business Development Intern
Awesome Experience: This summer I have helped Connecteam in its goal of expanding to the US. As is the nature of a startup, there is a lot of work to do and not a lot of employees to do it, so I have been able to do meaningful work. While my role is primarily to help with US sales, I have also been able to get meaningful experience helping with marketing and customer success. Outside of work, living in Israel for two months is an incredible experience. Tel Aviv is a remarkable city, but trips around the country have really shown me the beauty of this country. The first month has been full of happy times and new experiences and I’m sure the next month will be too.
Fun Fact: No fact, just a quote. “In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg

TAMID at Columbia University

Name: Sylvie Miller
University: Columbia University
Graduating Year: 2019
Major (+Minor): Jewish Studies and Spanish
Internship Company: Samurai Incubate
Internship Role: All Around Intern
Awesome Experience: So far my boss has taken the other interns and me to very high profile accelerators, where we have heard pitches from very cool startups. We attended the Barclays Bank Techstars Demo Day and yesterday the five of us had the opportunity to sit behind closed doors with some high profile startups from Citi Bank’s Israeli Accelerator program.
Fun Fact: The company I am working for also has an office in Japan. I don’t just hear Hebrew and English at work, but lots of Japanese too!

Name: Daniel Tal
University: Columbia University
Graduating Year: 2018
Major (+Minor): Computer Science, Business Management Concentration
Internship Company: I Know First
Internship Role: Quantitative Analyst
Awesome Experience: I had an incredible time on our first Shabbaton in Haifa. Other than meeting all the great people from the different chapters of TAMID all over the US, it was interesting to hear from top Venture Capital companies in Israel (such as Terra Ventures) gave us an in-depth look at the process of choosing a promising young company in its early seed stages. To top it all off, we had a great time running along the boardwalk in Haifa and relaxing on the beach for Shabbat. A great way to start the Fellowship!
Fun Fact: I worked on a wildlife reserve in a Rainforest in Villa Tunari, Bolivia, where I took care of 30 wild Spider Monkeys.

Name: Joseph Cooper
University: Columbia University
Graduating Year: 2018
Major (+Minor): Philosophy
Internship Company: Pears Program for Global Innovation
Internship Role: Hackathon Intern
Awesome Experience: This internship has allowed me to get a hands on understanding of how to build and tailor a unique marketing strategy for a very specific field (for their affordable healthcare hackathon). I also understand what it means to work with nascent firms as they enter our accelerator programs to develop and monetize their ideas coming out of our 4 city hackathon. More importantly, I got to see what it takes to run a social entrepreneurial accelerator from a variety of responsibilities and to see how two international markets interact with each other.
Fun Fact: I don’t trust Clippers fans. It’s Lakers only if you’re from LA

Name: Chantal Rubin
University: Columbia University
Graduating Year: 2018
Major (+Minor): Urban Studies with a concentration in Political Science
Internship Company: Nautlus by AOL
Internship Role: Investment intern
Awesome Experience: The Schusterman event was incredible!! I also got the opportunity to go camping with my Israeli friends at the kinneret and I attended a TechCrunch event.
Fun Fact: AOL owns TechCrunch

Name: Noa Kattler Kupetz
University: Columbia University
Graduating Year: 2018
Major (+Minor): American Studies
Internship Company: Comcast Innovation Labs
Internship Role: Research Intern
Awesome Experience: I’ve been working on a specific project for Comcast Innovation Labs, during which I research a lengthy list of startups and then give recommendations as to which Comcast should pursue. The second half of my project will involve creating an infographic to present to Comcast executives that maps out my research. So far, the research has been incredibly rewarding — I’m learning so much about the niche I’m focusing on and about startup culture in general.

Name: Laura Nassim
University: Columbia University
Graduating Year: 2019
Major (+Minor):Economics and Social History
Internship Company: WalkMe
Internship Role: HR/Talent Intern
Awesome Experience: My first time sitting in on an interview was definitely the most eye-opening experience of the internship. I have been on the other side countless times, but never got the chance to see the process from the interviewer’s perspective. I didn’t realize how much you can tell about a person from their answers to a few short questions. I have learned so much about the recruitment process, along with all the other departments at WalkMe. I am meeting the most amazing people and really enjoy work every day.
Fun Fact: I sing opera:)