

New members participate in an interactive educational program that integrates business principles with Israel’s economic landscape.

All new members are exposed to basic business principles, professional development, and an overview of the Israeli startup ecosystem. Each education semester culminates with an international case competition, where teams compete to solve a challenging business problem facing an Israeli company. With an emphasis on practical, experiential learning, the education program prepares participants to contribute to a consulting team or investing team.

The education period gives students the chance to get on the same page, ask questions, and identify their areas of interest. The professional development aspect gives students a chance to build professional skills like crafting a resume, developing their LinkedIn profiles, and learning about job recruitment. The focus on Israeli business culture helps students build their connection to Israel.

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Mikael Rahmani

Mikael Rahmani

Director of Education

Mikael Rahmani is currently a junior at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business where he is studying Business Administration with a concentration in Finance. He joined TAMID during his first semester at BU since it provided him with not only immeasurable business experience but

also the ability to network with TAMID members and alumni worldwide. After being an education member in Spring 2021, Mikael was selected to be the Associate Director of Education of his chapter to help advance social belonging in the education class. Eventually, Mikael served as both a Director of Education and as a member of the Global Education Committee before serving currently as the Global Director of Education.

In his free time, Mikael enjoys exploring the city of Boston with his friends and drinking coffee. He is also an avid true crime and mountain biking fan.

Mikael is looking forward to adding more programming and other forms of immersive learning experiences into the TAMID Education curriculum as well as supporting Directors of Education in their implementation of the new curriculum.

What Education Responsibilities are: New members get together once a week with the Director of Education to work through the lessons. Slide decks are created and provided by TAMID staff. The Director of Education can mix and match presentations as they see fit to best prepare their new members. They are also free to use external materials to supplement if they wish. Classes are a mix of lectures, hands-on work, guest speakers, and bonding activities with each other and the rest of the chapter.