

A Fellow’s Journey from Application to Remote Internship

  |   Fellowship

I applied for TAMID’s Summer Fellowship in November 2019. A month later, while I was home for the holidays, I heard back from TAMID. Ironically, my friend from another TAMID chapter and I were at Aroma Espresso Bar’s Wall Street location at the time, reminiscing about sipping on “Ice Aroma” in Tel Aviv. We received the emails simultaneously, congratulating us on our acceptance to the Fellowship. Since then, we spoke endlessly about the amazing upcoming summer we would have. Though the trip was unfortunately canceled due to the unexpected coronavirus outbreak, TAMID was able to seamlessly switch to a remote model. I did not hesitate to continue with the Fellowship, certain that it would still be an incredible experience.


While I would love to be traveling around Israel right now, I am extremely grateful for this unique opportunity to continue learning about Israel’s economy, work alongside professionals, learn new skills, and meeting new people. The weekly programming, consisting of events from workshops to panel discussions, allows me to work on my professional development and build connections with experts in various fields. In only two weeks, I have been able to hear from about a dozen different professionals, ranging from government officials to doctors, to product managers. Additionally, many Fellows have been paired with a mentor from the TAMID Pro network. I look forward to working closely with my mentor this summer to further explore my passions and career interests.


Simultaneously, I am working remotely at Mine, a startup company based in Tel Aviv, as a Data Science Intern. The company aims to empower individuals to take control of their data and protect themselves from being affected by data breaches by analyzing users’ digital footprints. Before starting, I was provided with an onboarding plan containing suggestions for various data analytics tools and technologies that I should become familiar with. I am extremely grateful that my team’s dedication has not wavered in the internship’s remote model. I regularly touch base with the Data Scientist at the company, Omer, and, in the span of one week, have also met with the three founders of the company – Gal G., Gal R., and Kobi – who gave me overviews of the technologies, company, and product. Currently, I am working on a Machine Learning model that will further assist Mine in informing users about the data that companies hold about them. I encourage everyone to check out and learn more about their innovative approach to privacy!


~ Shelli G.

Boston University

Class of 2021