TAMID’s Fellowship Program is the premier experience for any TAMID member and we hope to continue to grow our offering to include more and more students each year. Produced in partnership with Onward Israel, the TAMID Group Fellowship is a competitive, 8-week student leadership program that provides outstanding TAMID Group leaders with the opportunity to intern with host companies in Israel while living in Tel Aviv.
Our Programs Focus on Business Learning Through Experience.

Our Programs
There are many other ways to participate with TAMID programming through out the year and your student career.

This interactive experience is designed to prepare students for participation in our consulting or fund tracks, ending with a capstone project to apply the skills and knowledge they learned throughout the semester.
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Students work hands on with Israeli companies from all industries. We are constantly providing training and support for both our students and clients.
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Investment Fund
Each chapter competes in an organization-wide trading competition, giving each member’s research a global impact.
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