

Welcome Letter from the Global Student Director of TAMID Fellowship

  |   Fellowship

Hello everyone and welcome to the TAMID Summer 2020 Fellowship.


Wow! It is so amazing to say those words.


My journey with the TAMID Fellowship began last June when I eagerly boarded a plane to Israel to spend my summer basking in all that the country and the Fellowship had to offer. After my amazing experience, I knew I wanted to be a part of the Fellowship moving forward, and so I became the Global Director of Fellowship. I returned to my campus from Israel with a renewed sense of appreciation for the entrepreneurial spirit the country has and the experiences that TAMID had given me throughout my college career.


Now, one short year later, I am excited to welcome all of you to a newly reimagined Fellowship.


The world today looks quite a bit different from last year, and with it, have come some extraordinary changes. I know I speak for everyone involved in planning this year’s remote Fellowship when I say that we are excited about what the summer will hold and what you all will make of the experience.


The Fellowship is an immersive experience that we are excited to bring to you at home as work from home becomes the new standard. The speakers, discussions, and bonding that make the Fellowship an immersive internship experience are still going to be taking place virtually. In addition, we believe that the internship work will still be representative of the Fellowship experience.


Fellows of 2020, you were all selected to be part of this group because of your ability to think innovatively and drive change. Now more than ever, the world needs you all to continue stepping up as leaders. A few months ago, it seemed like the biggest hurdles we would face were technical difficulties, but instead, we were tasked with reimagining what the workplace will look like in the future.


I ask you all to try and embrace this challenge and embody the spirit of the startup nation. Go into the Fellowship ready to make the most of it.


I am looking forward to an amazing summer with all of you!


Drew Dannenbaum

Global Student Director of Fellowship