

TAMID at Boston University

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TAMID at Boston University

Name: Noya Aickin
University: Boston University
Graduating Year: 2018
Major (+Minor): Business Administration
Internship Company: PwC
Internship Role: U.S. Tax Compliance Intern
Awesome Experience: I have been learning how to use different computer systems that will be incredibly helpful in my professional career. Also, I have been networking with all of the employees and have been meeting natives of Israel. I can’t wait what the rest of the fellowship has in store for me!
Fun Fact: I’m a dancer!

Name: Melissa Melinasky
University: Boston University
Graduating Year: 2017
Major (+Minor): Speach, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Internship Company:A3I Accelerator
Internship Role: Business Development Intern
Awesome Experience: A3I is an accelerator for startups that develop technology to improve the lives of people with disabilities. My biggest goal in life is to improve the lives of people living with disabilities in some way, and it has been amazing to meet so many driven entrepreneurs that share my passion. Through my internship, I had the chance to meet Shay Rishoni, an amazing entrepreneur that has been completely paralyzed by ALS. He speaks with his eye gaze using assistive technology, and has helped make strides toward finding a cure for ALS. Seeing how assistive technology can give people like Shay the opportunity to feel human again has made me even more excited to pursue my passion.
Fun Fact: I have been to Ireland about 15 different times

Name: Hannah Snitcovski
University: Boston University
Graduating Year: 2017
Major (+Minor): Communication specializing in Public Relations with a concentration in Hebrew
Internship Company: Askourt
Internship Role: Marketing Director
Awesome Experience: The fellowship could not have happened at a more perfect time in my life. This country in a myriad of ways is inspiring me to come back and dedicate my life to it. My job and boss have become the highlights of this journey and I cannot wait to take back all the knowledge I learn here to my chapter at BU as well as my personal and professional future endeavors!
Fun Fact: I have a music blog-Snit Happens– everyone follow it xoxo

Name:Jess Goldberg
University: Boston University
Graduating Year: 2019
Major (+Minor):International Business
Internship Company:Boost Business Development
Internship Role: Lead Generation, Sales
Awesome Experience: I have learned to do a lot of research before approaching someone to sell a product.
Fun Fact: My boss has given me a lot of connections in Tel Aviv.

Name:Shlomo Fried
University: Boston University
Graduating Year: 2019
Major (+Minor): Biomedical Engineering
Internship Company:Nekuda
Internship Role: Product Design and Engineering Intern
Awesome Experience: This whole experience on the TAMID fellowship had been amazing so far. From helping to plan a Shabbat in Jerusalem to camping up in the Golan, the trips have been awesome. In my internship, I have worked on so many different devices from a cancer detecting medical device to a machine that can target sound to a persons’ ears. Nekuda DM is an amazing company that gives businesses the tools and expertise they need to help them transform their product ideas into reality. It has been a pleasure working here so far and I can’t wait to see what other awesome projects I will work on this summer!
Fun Fact: I get really sad every time I walk past my favorite store in Israel, Olam HaMamtakim (World of Sweets), ever since I stopped eating candy about 4 years ago.

Name: Will Krol-Sinclair
University: Boston University
Graduating Year: 2017
Major (+Minor): Finance (+Computer Science)
Internship Company: Samuarai Incubate
Internship Role: Market Analyst Intern
Fun Fact: 8*8=64