

TAMID Group Pivots, Connecting Members to Israel Remotely

  |   Chapters, Fellowship

Facing the global Covid-19 pandemic, TAMID Group has pivoted all programs to run remotely.


Members are interacting with Israel and each other from home.


“We feel a sense of responsibility to carry the banner of creating and building a connection to Israel – and a sense of pride that, even in this complicated new world, we are poised to be as successful as ever,” said CEO Yoni Heilman.


“Without travel, TAMID is one of the only campus organizations where participants are still engaging with Israelis. In a world where interactions between cultures are grinding to a halt, let us all step up to be leaders in remote bridge-building,” said Hannah Laifer, Chair of the Presidents’ Council and a student at Emory in an email to all students.


While it has certainly been a challenge, it is one that TAMID has met with resilience. Check out our Year in Review to learn about TAMID’s work during the 2019-2020 school year.


Below is a summary of adjustments to TAMID’s programs.



Regardless of where our students are, TAMID’s work continues. Our students have continued to connect with the education, consulting, and investment tracks from their parent’s homes, apartments on campus or even while they take the semester off and travel. Last year, 225 consulting projects were completed and we are looking forward to something similar this year.


While the summer 2020 Fellowship was virtual, we are hoping to bring at least 100 students to Tel Aviv in 2021 if the situation will allow for it. But regardless of where the Fellowship takes place, we know it will be meaningful. The 155 students who participated in our virtual Fellowship had wonderful things to say about the experience, like Lisheng who shared that the “TAMID fellowship is a valuable experience that can last lifelong…Even when it is remote.”



We are proud that TAMID is uniquely suited to adapt to these challenging and uncertain times thanks to the preexisting remote infrastructure around our campus programs. We are confident that we will continue to provide value to our Fellows and our company partners throughout this chaotic time. Fellows will continue to work with Israeli companies, interact with Israeli startups, and receive extensive professional development from wherever they will be come June.



Still committed to providing community and professional development for our members, TAMID Pro has shifted to digital programming, including Lunch and Learns led by our Pro members, Virtual Water Coolers and more opportunities to connect our Pros with our students for mentorship and professional development opportunities.


Work with TAMID
Many in our community are struggling during this time. We first and foremost feel compassion towards those who may be coping with health challenges, sick loved ones, and financial distress.


In addition, many students are worried about how the current situation will impact their future careers, Pro members are far away from their families and aren’t sure what will happen within their industry, families are struggling to balance work and family, and more. If you are able and interested in helping one of our communities, contact Lexie Tuchman.


What are some ways you can help?

  • Help Our Students: This can be an especially stressful time for our students who are applying for jobs and internships. Interested in helping them with their search, interview prep, or other professional development opportunities? Let us know!
  • Help Our Companies: Be a connector, advocate or partner for Israeli companies that are in need of additional support during this time.
  • Help Our Pro Members: Lend your expertise by hosting a TAMID Pro Lunch and Learn or connecting with our Pros about job or professional development opportunities.