


  |   Pro, Uncategorized

By: Rebecca Leeman, University of Michigan 

I organized an event last Tuesday, focused on TAMID Pro (essentially, what it is like to be a TAMID Alumni) and it was a whopping success.  Every Tuesday evening, members of TAMID have the opportunity to organize a discussion around an area pertaining to TAMID to share best practices with fellows from all the different chapters. This session brought together over 50 fellows to learn about Pro and network with about 15 Pro members.  

I am committed to strengthening the TAMID Network as I see this organization as something way greater than a college club that lasts four years; I want the community to thrive globally for years to come!  Currently, I serve as the Student Director of Pro Initiatives where I work with the Pro Board to develop partnerships with companies and methods to engage alumni in various ways.

This Tuesday event started with an overview of the current Pro initiatives, then there was Q&A with a panel of 16 Pro members that shared insight about their specific industries, the TAMID fellowship and the impact of TAMID on their lives. An overall consensus was that the greatest tip for the summer is to get to really know the other members of the fellowship well, as TAMID is a great network across the country with some of the brightest people. Alumni on the board shared some TAMID success stories of getting jobs, interview help, strong friendships and relationships through TAMID. The event ended with informal networking. People were networking and exchanging business cards until the building closed and we were kicked out.

Thank you to the Pro members for joining the panel and motivating us, TAMID fellows, to see TAMID’s bigger picture and lasting value.