

TAMID at University of Wisconsin-Madison: Guest Speakers

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In our UW-Madison TAMID chapter we value consulting and all that we learn from the experience of doing so. In addition to consulting, we find it very beneficial and educational to bring in a variety of speakers, such as the CEO of and different professors throughout the university to gain further insight on the Israeli Economy and the business world. Bringing in a variety of speakers allows us to gain a diverse and well-rounded understanding of the several topics discussed. We have valued our experiences with the guest speakers greatly and applied the tools and tips we have learned to our consulting.

As a member of the executive board of the UW-Madison chapter of TAMID, I was fortunate enough to be part of selecting guest speakers for our spring semester. I am a Political Science Major and one of my current courses is Introduction to International Relations. This class is taught by Professor Mark Copelovitch. Early on the course, I was captivated by Professor Copelovitch’s lectures. Not only was I intrigued by the content covered in this course, I enjoyed Professor Copelovitch’s interaction with students and his genuine engaging nature.

One day after class, I proceeded to ask him to speak at one of our chapter meetings in early March. He was honored and told me that he would love too. He had never heard of TAMID before so I explained to him that we are a consulting club that works with start-up companies in Israel. He then explained to me that his specialty was International Political Economy so he would be able to plan a very relevant and informative presentation. After further correspondence, he and I planned to have him talk about the function of Israel as a startup nation in the increasingly globalized world.

The lecture was a hit. Chapter attendance was at an all-time high, members were engaged and asked many questions and everyone raved about how wonderful Professor Copelovitch spoke. Going forward, I plan to take the lessons I learned in planning this presentation and share them with the executive boards to come.